I am planning to do my MASTERS in switzerland. I just need to know if there is a post study work visa in switzerland. If yes how does it work and how easy it is to get.! please let me know the details. Thank you!!
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
Switzerland Work Permit Applicants are divided into two types of people when applying for a work permit for Switzerland. Those who are members of the European Community are allowed to live and work in Switzerland already, and so do not need a Swiss work permit. However, those who are Third Country Nationals and not citizens of the European Community will need a visa for working in Switzerland. The Swiss work permit can only be submitted by an employer on behalf of someone who would like to work in Switzerland. It must be proved by the employer that the provision of a work permit for Switzerland will not result in a Swiss resident or citizen missing out on the opportunity to work in the company. However, this Local Worker Priority does not apply to intra-company transfers of executives or highly qualified specialists who will be working in Switzerland. There are many a short-term residence and work permit for Switzerland available if you are only staying for one year. These can be renewed once and only for a total of 18 months, for further education or similar activities. Switzerland work permits "B" for stays of more than one year first available for one year and can then be extended as needed. A Switzerland work permit that falls under the federal quota system is granted to qualified specialists. Alternatively, for temporary activities, a Swiss work permit for up to four years can be gained. If you are not a specialist worker or European citizen then speak to a Global Visas immigration lawyer for help with your work permit for Switzerland. With almost a dozen teams located around the globe, help is never far away
2 :
You can pretty much count on never getting any employment visa to Switzerland. Only employers can apply. Priority goes to Swiss citizens, and company must prove there are no citizens available who meet their specific requirements. Second priority is citizens of other EU countries. Company must prove no EU citizens, as well as no Swiss, with the necessary qualifications. Unless you are a senior exec or highly specialized technical expert for a company in your own country who wants to transfer you to their office in Switzerland, it is nearly impossible to get a temporary work visa in Switzerland. They issue very, very few of them. And if you go there for school, student visas are issued on the condition that you will return to your country of citizenship immediately upon completion or termination of studies. Switzerland, Germany, Japan, a few others, are among the most difficult countries in the world to obtain residency, citizenship, or even temporary employment visas.